New companies or historical market players, over 150 financial institutions have already chosen OSIF.
If you are starting a portfolio management or trustee activity in Switzerland, here are the steps to follow to affiliate to OSIF and then obtain your FINMA authorization. For any other situation, do not hesitate to contact us.
Download the OSIF tax and fee rates here.
The affiliation steps:
Step 2
Contact OSIF, who will provide you with the necessary documentation for the constitution of your authorization application.
Step 3
a) Create your account on the FINMA EHP platform.
b) Fill out the FINMA authorization request forms for portfolio managers and trustees on the EHP platform, remembering to include all requested annexes.
Step 5
OSIF reviews your file, and when it is complete and the conditions are met, notifies you of its affiliation decision.
Step 7
FINMA reviews your file and notifies you of its authorization decision as soon as the authorization conditions are met.